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Artifacts of Games

I’m playing The Witcher 3 – reluctantly – for at least 30 minutes every day. It is part of my “game literacy” project that I’m putting myself through in order to increase my library of played games. I play a… Continue Reading →

What The Witcher Taught Me

If you like The Witcher 3, turn back. I’m warning you. I’ve been spending about two months trying to trudge through The Witcher 3, 30 minutes a day. I’m currently level 9. I always play as a completionist, so maybe… Continue Reading →

The Resistance

This December I exchanged Christmas calendars with quite a few friends. In one of them there was a button with Princess Leia on it. It stated “we are the resistance”. Translating it to my hobbies and my profession, the games… Continue Reading →

The Witcher 3 – First Impressions

This is a first impressions post about The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. You should know that I’m not playing The Witcher for pleasure. I play because I want to expand my game knowledge. The issue with The Witcher, for… Continue Reading →

Games as a Culture Carrier

I had reason to return to Gary Alan Fines book “Shared Fantasy” about the social aspects of role-playing games recently. I didn’t get very far until the first reference of rape was made. Frequently male nonplayer characters who have not… Continue Reading →

I See You

This post is more about putting thoughts on paper than a finished hypothesis. It has to do with the (potential) conflict between identification with the avatar and the limited selection of said avatars, primarily because most of them are written… Continue Reading →

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