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Blackbirds and the Language of Design

I’m currently trying to get through the TTRPG tome Blackbirds. I can’t say I’ve made much headway. I’m 20 pages in in this heavy, unwieldy and somewhat morose volume and already there are two things that strike me as Gatekeep-y…. Continue Reading →

Artifacts of Games

I’m playing The Witcher 3 – reluctantly – for at least 30 minutes every day. It is part of my “game literacy” project that I’m putting myself through in order to increase my library of played games. I play a… Continue Reading →

TTRPGs and Usability

A table-top role-playing game is probably one of the least usable gaming artifacts that I know of, with the possible exception of that thing PlayStation did with movement, or maybe the Kinect for non-English speakers who were women with an… Continue Reading →

The Unplayability of (some) TTRPGs

Some background before I dive into this specific opinion. I have reviewed games and more specifically TTRPGs since 2005 in the Swedish gaming magazine Fenix. To date I have written around 600 reviews, and more than half of those are… Continue Reading →

RPGs, TTRPGs, What’s in a Name?

There’s one development that I kind of resent, and that’s the fact that what we used to call RPGs have now morphed into TTRPGs. I understand that this is a development that comes from the fact that the digital version… Continue Reading →

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