One of the most common misconceptions about user experience design is that it is actually user interface design, or, as one of my former game directors seemed to believe, something that could simply be applied to a game after the… Continue Reading →
One of the most fun projects I’ve ever worked on was Oriboo for Movinto Fun. Oriboo is a console created for girls and teens intended to encourage movement and dancing. Jin Moen, who came up with the concept wanted to… Continue Reading →
This is a recording of a talk I did at SGC this October. The audience were mostly students and developers just starting out, so that’s the level I put it on. In order to make this more accessible, I’ve also… Continue Reading →
So The Order: 1886 had a lot of detractors, mainly because it used QTEs quite a bit and because the gameplay reportedly wasn’t so great. One thing that my UX heart can’t help beating for, though, is the “jump to… Continue Reading →
This is the second post in a series of posts that are intended to describe a bit more about UX design and how I personally work with UX design. Out of necessity I’ll have to keep it generic, and the… Continue Reading →
Working with UIs, there is one thing that will sooner or later rear its ugly head and that is form before function, which basically means “Hey! Look at this pretty but fundamentally useless or really difficult to use UI!” A… Continue Reading →
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