In some cases constraints can feel limiting. When I look at my career and see how I’ve been limited by my gender, I get frustrated. At the same time I’ve been trying to work around it. I’ve battled outside limitations… Continue Reading →
I have been sinking my teeth into several books that deal with games and game design. Most of them are quite one track. They deal with mechanics and “how to” on a practical level and not so much on a… Continue Reading →
Since I started my habit of reading 10 pages a day from a book that wasn’t exactly screaming “read me”, I’ve read eleven books about games or players. Thee are actually worth reading, the rest is mostly men talking about… Continue Reading →
With great power comes great responsibility. We have a lot of problems in the gaming industry. Some of them can be attributed to poor project management, to biased hiring practices and more in that vein. What it all boils down… Continue Reading →
If you like The Witcher 3, turn back. I’m warning you. I’ve been spending about two months trying to trudge through The Witcher 3, 30 minutes a day. I’m currently level 9. I always play as a completionist, so maybe… Continue Reading →
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