
ditt ordnade kaos på nätet


June 2015

Never ending story

This blog post is written in English, despite the fact that the discussion that prompted it is in Swedish. I feel the subject is important enough to warrant an international approach. In addition to that, I’m still in love with… Continue Reading →

And the hate goes on…

I just watched a segment of Last Week Tonight*, where John Oliver brings up the harassment towards women on the internet. Brianna Wu and Anita Sarkeesian make a guest appearance

Ordinary life

The current trend in game making, at least if you look at triple-A games, expensive, top end and made for the ubiquitous audience of straight male gamers and their ilk

I am not the thought police

I have lived and worked and breathed games for about as long as I’ve been alive and aware of what I really feel passionate about. During this very long period of time, I’ve spent about 10-15 years as a games… Continue Reading →

Dyrgripar – Talisman

På det stora hela skulle jag karaktärisera mig själv som en ganska dålig samlare. Det är förvisso sant att jag under åren samlat på mig ett antal hundra rollspel och nästan lika många bräd-, kort- och dataspel av olika slag

I want a refund

I thought I’d take a leaf from this guy’s book and ask for a refund. But for a different reason.

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