I’m currently trying to get through the TTRPG tome Blackbirds. I can’t say I’ve made much headway. I’m 20 pages in in this heavy, unwieldy and somewhat morose volume and already there are two things that strike me as Gatekeep-y…. Continue Reading →
It might seem like a foolish or vain thing to some, but I want to have an impact on the games industry and culture. I want to make a difference in the industry that I work in and I want… Continue Reading →
I’m reading a book called the Role-Playing Game Primer and Old School Playbook by Chris Gonnerman, purporting to teach beginners how to play RPGs. It is one of those books that I’ve had on my shelf for ages and never… Continue Reading →
This is a UX design presentation that I held at our internal DevDays at Sharkmob this year. It is something I’ve been thinking about lately, so this is not a fully formed theory, it’s more of a hypothesis. This is… Continue Reading →
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