Tove together with her husband Anders is behind Åskfågeln, a publisher of table top roleplaying games and the gaming magazine Fenix, which I have written for since 2005. Tove passed away last year, but up until then she was one… Continue Reading →
Jenny Brusk ought to be a game developer legend at this point. She’s worked on game series like Backpacker and she’s done a ton of things within game development, but most of all, she has educated new game developers at… Continue Reading →
Emily is a level designer (probably lead, senior or principal by now. Probably all three.) She’s one of the most competent level designers I’ve worked with. Emily does her work in the shadows. Not many people know about her as… Continue Reading →
I’ve had the immense pleasure of working with Caroline while I was at BioWare, but I knew of her long before that. She has been a dialogue coordinator on many of the most lauded games from BioWare, and her influence,… Continue Reading →
I’m going to start writing about the women in game dev that I admire (alright, I will include non-binary and non-genderous people too). I’m doing this to highlight that inspiration in this industry does not necessarily come only from men,… Continue Reading →
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