I’m reading a book called Game Production & Development written by Erik Bethke. Bethke states on several occasions that crunch is a result of bad planning. I agree with that statement. Crunch IS a result of bad planning, in combination… Continue Reading →
A thing that’s becoming more and more common in the games industry is design tests, especially for game designers and UX designers. I find there are several issues with this practice, so I’ll go over them, perhaps to my own… Continue Reading →
A colleague and me went to lunch the other day and spoke about the attitude people have towards their jobs, but also about the attitude employers have against their employees. When I grew up it was much more common with… Continue Reading →
I carry this sense of guilt most everywhere I go. It’s about games – of course – and making games. I have this sense that I should be happy and grateful that I get to do what so no any… Continue Reading →
My co-workers and former colleagues can attest to the fact that I often go on rants about the games industry. This is not because I dislike the industry or want to cancel games or because I have a feminist agenda… Continue Reading →
I had reason to return to Gary Alan Fines book “Shared Fantasy” about the social aspects of role-playing games recently. I didn’t get very far until the first reference of rape was made. Frequently male nonplayer characters who have not… Continue Reading →
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