This post is a bit of an interlude where I talk about the difficulties marginalised groups have in getting hired, it’s also about being a victim, but refusing to be victimised. And it’s a “glorious” CV because I just know… Continue Reading →
The standard you walk past is the standard you accept. – Lieutenant General David Morrison The title of this post was something said by Lt General David Morrison in a speech to the Australian army, after allegations of sexual misconduct… Continue Reading →
NOTE: This post is my own musings on game design, and it should not be taken as fact or the opinion of anyone except myself. For my last achievement/ trophy in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, I needed to be naughty enough… Continue Reading →
I think the thing that was most outrageous to me during GamerGate – in some ways regardless of what people actually thought about the GamerGate “movement” was the unwillingness or inability to even try to find out the facts. The… Continue Reading →
Tryck inte upp dina åsikter i mitt ansikte. Det var en kommentar som förekom i en tråd som nu är borttagen i gruppen bräd- & rollspel på fejan. Jag misstänker att det beror på att en hel hög svarade med… Continue Reading →
Jag borde ha skrivit om det här för länge sedan, men jag har varit upptagen med livet på ett spelföretag. Det är dags att göra uppror och dags för ett upprop även inom spelbranschen. Vi spelar inte med Som en… Continue Reading →
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