So this is a post that’s been lurking in my mind for quite some time. The essence of it falls back to confusing taste with quality, and quality with taste. It also has to do with popular opinion which plays… Continue Reading →
I think the thing that was most outrageous to me during GamerGate – in some ways regardless of what people actually thought about the GamerGate “movement” was the unwillingness or inability to even try to find out the facts. The… Continue Reading →
One of the hardest things to learn in a creative occupation is the art of giving and receiving feedback. In my experience, most of us start getting defensive when being confronted with information that can be construed as criticism.
Det är inte ofta jag blir så här förvånad, men i förmiddags på väg till ett par medexilsvenskar på våffeldate fick jag reda på att äventyret
Lately there have been a bunch of shifts in the terrain of game development and the gaming culture surrounding it.
Den här artikeln skrevs ursprungligen för Speltidningen Fenix och publicerades i nr 1/11. Stöd Fenix!
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