I’m always up for a debate. I always enjoy analyzing stuff, stuff being just about anything that has to do with games or game development. I’m also trying to write stuff that might be interesting from other people’s perspective, and… Continue Reading →
What happens if you discover that the “even playing field” you thought you were playing on was tilted heavily in your favour? Would you feel proud of your accomplishments, still, or would you maybe deny your privilege? Would you feel… Continue Reading →
… I have more time to write and to fix discordia up. One of the things I’m planning on is making sure that the site works equally well in Swedish as in English, so expect some translation work soonish and… Continue Reading →
I have a ton of notebooks filled with texts like this one. The texts are reviews, thoughts, diary notations (and heavens if they’re not embarrassing). One of them even has a note from a guy I was probably in love… Continue Reading →
I think the thing that was most outrageous to me during GamerGate – in some ways regardless of what people actually thought about the GamerGate “movement” was the unwillingness or inability to even try to find out the facts. The… Continue Reading →
I have this ridiculous thing where I try to do something, lag behind and either give up or try to compensate. For discordia I tried to compensate. A lot of my blog posts require tons of research, meaning that they… Continue Reading →
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