The Politics and Misconceptions of Gender One of the problems with Desborough’s text is that it presupposes through implications. At the start of the chapter on gender, Desborough states that wanting to make games more inclusive when it comes to… Continue Reading →
I’ve been playing Horizon Zero Dawn quite a bit this weekend. In fact, I played it so much I got a migraine, because I forgot to eat and to drink and to do anything, really, apart from playing that damned… Continue Reading →
I have been spending a lot of time recently thinking about the games industry, gaming culture and the strong divides that exist within the culture and the industry. Less so within the industry than the culture.
Idag träffade jag teamet som skall hjälpa till att arrangera FemCon. En grej som blev ganska uppenbar
The article I read a few days back about how women in online games are expected to behave is still rolling around in my head.
Jag vet, titeln är lite missvisande. Det handlar inte om transexualitet så mycket som tendensen att försöka passa in manligt beteende i kvinnliga roller, både i datorspel, film och rollspel.
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