
ditt ordnade kaos på nätet



Why are we so bad at production?

I’m reading a book about game development and production. The book was published before Neverwinter Nights, meaning it is quite old by software development standards. What strikes me, though, is how little has changed when it comes to project management… Continue Reading →

Tales from the Trenches – Process

I used to be a producer. I also used to be a game designer. Now I’m a UX designer with the experiences of a game designer and a producer. I’m pretty sure there are producers at companies that I’ve worked… Continue Reading →

Saker som hon gör

Den här posten är sjävförhärligande och narcissistisk, mest för att jag glömmer bort hur mycket jag medverkar i och hjälper folk att göra, för det mesta helt utan ersättning.

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