I’ve been going through the 720 posts on discordia and I’ve put together a ”best of” list. These are 15 posts that I think represent the blog and the contents on the blog in a good way.
For those of you who don’t know, aren’t aware or tend to assume otherwise, what I write here on my blog, on twitter and on facebook are my own views and opinions.
This week, the annual Christmas party went off with a bang at work. Each year, the company votes about Most Valuable Player.
För ett bra tag sedan skrev speljournalisten Thomas Arnroth om hur han tagit sig igenom en svår period av sitt liv med hjälp av spel.
EDIT: Det var fel länk till P1 morgon. Jag var imorse med i P1 morgon där jag tillsammans med Daniel Goldberg diskuterade kvinnosyn och våld i GTA V.
Due to a person or persons at work consistently giving me a 1 star rating on everything I write (the IP belongs to Avalanche Studios, but that’s about all I know), I’ve decided to remove the ratings on my blog.
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