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Don’t put the onus on margies

We’re celebrating Pride this month, and in the interest of pulling some weight and explaining how the work with inclusion and diversity affects marginalized people and how privileged people sometimes add to that burden, I want to talk about a… Continue Reading →

Bye Bye BioWare

I wrote this on a flight from Edmonton to Amsterdam. I was on my way to a new job, back home to Sweden again. I’m leaving BioWare behind. There are reasons for this, and there’s no real reason why I… Continue Reading →

Dysfunctional Companies

I did some digging lately into both project management and company management. One of the things I found that were seriously problematic, but also emblematic for the games industry is dysfunctional companies and dysfunctional teams. The hallmark of a dysfunctional… Continue Reading →

The Day We Are Mediocre

I had dinner with a friend yesterday and he said something very memorable to me when we ate. He said ” I know we’re okay, because our studio is the first place I’ve run into mediocre women devs. Normally they’re… Continue Reading →

Uneven playing fields

[..] for the purpose of this discussion I’m more interested in the kind of attitude that underlies and perpetuates mansplaining. And my answer, in short, is entitlement: entitlement of the epistemic variety, which relates to knowledge, beliefs, and the possession… Continue Reading →

“Put a dog in there.”

Relatedness refers to the social nature of human beings and the connectedness with others. Both can be considered as being part of the panhuman psychology and both are intrinsically intertwined. – Heidi Keller, Psychological autonomy and hierarchical relatedness as organizers… Continue Reading →

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