I’ve recently played three games that I wouldn’t normally play. The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, God of War, and Jedi: Fallen Order. Common for all three is the archetype of the witch that pops up in the games. They’re… Continue Reading →
I’m sorry dear reader, but this is a topic I’ll keep getting back to. Skip The Witcher 3 posts if you find them boring. By now, anyone who knows me also know that I deeply dislike playing male player characters,… Continue Reading →
It will come as no surprise that I criticize The Crones of Crookback Bog, some of the central villains of The Witcher 3. The reason I have a beef with them, is because they’re pretty much fulfilling every checkbox of… Continue Reading →
I had this minor delusion that the choices I make in The Witcher will eventually mean something, but so far they haven’t. I’ve played the game for 32 hours since I started. I’m scouring the game for memorable moments and… Continue Reading →
One of the problems I have with the outliers of game development and gaming culture is the feeling of entitlement and ownership that some people, primarily men, give voice to. I’m not sure if you’ve ever had the conversation around… Continue Reading →
When I started in the games industry I was naïve. I thought it was a meritocracy, that we all had a chance at success. We didn’t. As the years passed, I saw more and more (and younger) men pass me… Continue Reading →
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