Hunger är 216 på listan och det 88:e äventyret jag skriver i 20.000-teckenprojektet. Äventyret är skrivet för Vampire: The Masquerade 1st Edition. På klockslaget en vecka efter att beskyddaren gått till sin eviga vila hade hon känt närvaron. Hon hade… Continue Reading →
I keep getting side tracked from working on the Twine games that I’ve started. I think part of it is because I’ve not really figured all of it out, but I’m also pretty sure that my ambitions are overshadowing my… Continue Reading →
I’m going to tell you a story. No worries, I will offset this story in a day or two with a less depressing story. My point is that even if you should, say, break the build, worse things can happen…. Continue Reading →
I had a moment of goose bumps the first time I ran into Eurydice singing “Good Riddance”. I find it very Interesting when games integrate music in the gameplay and not just as something apart from it. It was a… Continue Reading →
Vid det här laget har den sorgliga nyheten att Tove Gillbring gått bort förmodligen spritt sig bland Sveriges rollspelare och analoga spelentusiaster. Jag är helt förkrossad. Tove var min bästa vän. Hon var den personen som hela tiden fanns där… Continue Reading →
Let me start this blog post by saying that I unconditionally believe what Mandy Morbid is saying in her post on Facebook. That said, I’d like to explain why I – as someone very outspoken against harassment, sexism and the… Continue Reading →
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