It was with a heavy heart (and a sore throat and a stuffy nose, but that’s beside the point) that I started playing the final DLC for Dragon Age Inquisition. It’s called Trespasser and it promises to give some answers… Continue Reading →
The Descent is about as dramatic as it sounds. A deep delving adventure into the belly of Thedas, with the intent of making sure that the lyrium mines are secured.
Whatever else you do this summer/ autumn, don’t download Alphabear by Spry Fox. You’ve probably seen it whiz past on twitter, if you have twitter, in the shape of bears saying weird things
Okay, so one of my many quirks is that I write just about everything by hand before transcribing it into the computer.
Jag läste alldeles nyligen Thomas Arferts och Anders Fagers rollspel, Svenska kulter. Det är baserat på Fagers bok med samma namn, en bok jag inte har läst.
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