
ditt ordnade kaos på nätet



The Standard You Walk Past

The standard you walk past is the standard you accept. – Lieutenant General David Morrison The title of this post was something said by Lt General David Morrison in a speech to the Australian army, after allegations of sexual misconduct… Continue Reading →

Monsters and Other Things

One of the reasons I started looking at problematic enemies specifically in BioWare games is because I know these games so well. I’ve played them over and over countless times. I’m not even kidding. I’ve actually lost count. The thing… Continue Reading →

Intersectional Game Design?

Lately I’ve been reading quite a few books on the topic of design, colonialism and ethics. Being someone with strong views on social justice and the idea that equality and diversity is not necessarily a bad thing – in fact… Continue Reading →

Toxic Gaming Culture

I’m sure that some of you, maybe even most of you, have seen the continued faux pas from notable (and unfortunately Swedish) gaming personalities such as Markus Persson and Felix Kjellgren, a.k.a. Notch and PewDiePie lately. Notch more or less… Continue Reading →

När bägaren rinner över

Häromdagen gjorde jag ett misstag. Mitt misstag bestod i att tro att det går att ställa enkla frågor i bräd-och rollspelsforum och tro att jag skall få ett enkelt svar. Jag vill framföra en innehållsvarning innan du läser vidare. Texten… Continue Reading →

“Feminism hör inte hit”

Ett av de vanligare argumenten jag stöter på numera när jag diskuterar jämställdhet och mångfald inom spelkulturen tar sig uttryck i att de som helst inte vill se diskussionerna säger något i stil med “men jag vill bara prata spel,… Continue Reading →

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