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Crates of Joy and TTRPG

For a couple of months I’ve indulged myself with two different subscription crates – the Dungeon Crate and the RPG Crate. Both of them send me monthly minis, coins, trinkets and adventures for me to enjoy and play. The playing… Continue Reading →

Review – The Castle In the Sky

The Castle in the Sky is #10 in the Goodman Game OGL series of short adventures that can be incorporated into fantasy RPG campaigns. It’s an adventure written by Bob Brinkmann and behind the fairly awkward cover, it’s a pretty… Continue Reading →

Discordia’s Game of the Year 2016

Since there were no BioWare releases last year, I’m going to have to go for the next best thing. Early 2016, Campo Santos released a small and kinda off beat game called Firewatch.

Tarzan och de manliga idealen

Igår gick jag på Tarzan tillsammans med en god väninna. Egentligen ville vi se Ghostbusters, men vi var för sent ute. Det “enda” vi båda ville se var Tarzan, och sanningen att säga ville vi nog se den mest på… Continue Reading →

Indiana Jones and the women who loved him

In a fit of nostalgia, boredom and need to one again see the man in a hat with a whip, I bought all four of the Indiana Jones movies to entertain myself. This is kind of a review of them…. Continue Reading →

Mord till Middagen – Iskallt uppdrag – RPG

I april fick jag sju kilo rollspel skickat på posten till mig ifrån spelkonventet GothCon. Jag har recenserat en del av de sju kilona i speltidningen Fenix, dock icke Mord till middagen. Eftersom jag har många åsikter hela tiden tänkte… Continue Reading →

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