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Map of Desired Outcome

The map of desired outcome is a powerful artifact for those delving into dungeons. The map will show every trap in the location the carrier is in. The map won’t indicate what type of trap it is, just that there… Continue Reading →

The Wonders of Rialsa

Rialsa is a kingdom on the coast, blessed with artificers and mechanical engineers who can build the most wondrous things. Powered by imagination and magic, the people of Rialsa are used to seeing the oddest of creations wandering down the… Continue Reading →

Artifacts of Games

I’m playing The Witcher 3 – reluctantly – for at least 30 minutes every day. It is part of my “game literacy” project that I’m putting myself through in order to increase my library of played games. I play a… Continue Reading →

Aedelbert’s Tower of Confounding

Aedelbert Smart was – despite his last name – not a very clever magician. His thick beard hid a weak chin and his unrelenting confidence hid a weak but cunning intellect. Through trickery and deceit, Aedelbert stole a tower –… Continue Reading →

Queen Delia’s Grave

Everyone who is anyone has heard of the magnificence of Queen Delia’s grave.It is said to possess treasures beyond comprehension, riches that can not even be measured. A friend of the characters know where the burial chamber is located. It… Continue Reading →

The Lady of the Lake – D&D 5th Ed Encounter

The characters arrive in a small village in the mountains. The village is for some reason full of warriors of different kinds. Everything from barbarians to paladins are camping in or nearby the village. When arriving, the characters are treated… Continue Reading →

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