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Critique needs to come from a place of knowledge

I think the thing that was most outrageous to me during GamerGate – in some ways regardless of what people actually thought about the GamerGate “movement” was the unwillingness or inability to even try to find out the facts. The… Continue Reading →

TTRPGs and Consent

The other day I was being made aware that a player at UK Games Expo was drawn into a scenario that contained a gang rape and a kidnapping of their characters. They had not been aware of this content and… Continue Reading →

Tryck inte upp dina åsikter i mitt ansikte

Tryck inte upp dina åsikter i mitt ansikte. Det var en kommentar som förekom i en tråd som nu är borttagen i gruppen bräd- & rollspel på fejan. Jag misstänker att det beror på att en hel hög svarade med… Continue Reading →


Jag borde ha skrivit om det här för länge sedan, men jag har varit upptagen med livet på ett spelföretag. Det är dags att göra uppror och dags för ett upprop även inom spelbranschen. Vi spelar inte med Som en… Continue Reading →

The Games We Play

This is a translation and an addition to a Facebook post I wrote a while back. I liked it, so I’m posting it here. It might not come as a surprise that I’ve been involved in the table-top role-playing culture… Continue Reading →

Toxic Gaming Culture

I’m sure that some of you, maybe even most of you, have seen the continued faux pas from notable (and unfortunately Swedish) gaming personalities such as Markus Persson and Felix Kjellgren, a.k.a. Notch and PewDiePie lately. Notch more or less… Continue Reading →

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