
ditt ordnade kaos på nätet



Map of Desired Outcome

The map of desired outcome is a powerful artifact for those delving into dungeons. The map will show every trap in the location the carrier is in. The map won’t indicate what type of trap it is, just that there… Continue Reading →

The Glue of Hectora Rubande

Upon inspection, the Glue of Hectora Rubande may not look like much. It is a bland, beige fluid that – unheated – feels rubbery to the touch. Hectora Rubande herself has said to have exclaimed “phew, that stinks” when she… Continue Reading →

The Wonders of Rialsa

Rialsa is a kingdom on the coast, blessed with artificers and mechanical engineers who can build the most wondrous things. Powered by imagination and magic, the people of Rialsa are used to seeing the oddest of creations wandering down the… Continue Reading →

Ugh, Emotions: Part I

CW: Harassment, exclusion. This is a difficult set of posts for me to write, because they admit to my own complicity in a culture I desperately want to change. To understand gaming, the games industry and the gaming culture it’s… Continue Reading →

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