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Abject 1. (of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree. In Mass Effect 3: Omega, there’s an enemy that tries very hard to live up to the previous success of the Banshee, but the Adjutant doesn’t quite make… Continue Reading →

A Villain of Utmost Refinement and Grace

Making the case why Solas is among the best game villains yet. Actually it could be argued that Kratos, in all his cold blooded toxicity, is even better but Kratos is not commonly seen as a villain. Solas on the… Continue Reading →

One of Those Moments – Introducing the Banshee

In Mass Effect 3 the Reaper invasion is happening full force, something Cmdr Shepard has warned the Alliance and the Council, two major forces in intergalactic politics, about since the first game. They’re attaching and they’re using the populations on… Continue Reading →

One of Those Moments – Morrigan and Flemeth

What happens when you put two accomplished and amazing actors like Claudia Black and Kate Mulgrew in the same cutscene? Sparks fly, that’s what. I love both Morrigan and Flemeth, and this truly is one of my favorite moments in… Continue Reading →

One of Those Moments – Introducing the Monitor

I know I haven’t talked much about Anthem on discordia. There are however parts of the game that I really like, and one of them is the reveal of the Monitor. He’s the villain in the narrative arc about the… Continue Reading →

Problematic Enemies – The Broodmother

[…] The symbol of the monster, the abject, exists to embody and assuage our fears of the natural and unruly body. In order to maintain the current social order, which privileges the intellectual and social over the emotional and biological,… Continue Reading →

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