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D&D 5th Ed

Aedelbert’s Tower of Confounding

Aedelbert Smart was – despite his last name – not a very clever magician. His thick beard hid a weak chin and his unrelenting confidence hid a weak but cunning intellect. Through trickery and deceit, Aedelbert stole a tower –… Continue Reading →

Tabitha’s Owl of Perception

Tabitha’s Owl of Perception is a mechanical owl, created by a very distracted and somewhat clumsy magician. The owl is made from brass, bronze and copper and the outer feathers of the own are stained with oxidation to the point… Continue Reading →

The Dungeon of Delight

The Dungeon of Delight is said to hold treasure of superb quality and perfection. No one has however returned from the Dungeon, so rumours abound. The Dungeon is only accessible once a year during solstice, and solstice is approaching. There… Continue Reading →

The Dungeon of Drudgery

This Dungeon is something those who live to get out of it are very quiet about. They also warn any adventurers gravely about entering it. Yes, there are treasures hidden in the dungeon, and yes, the people who exit it… Continue Reading →

Bartholomew House

Image is from Wikimedia Commons This location can be used in for instance an OSR adventure or as a quirky addition to a D&D campaign. Bartholomew House can be scary or otherworldly. It is up to you how you use… Continue Reading →

Queen Delia’s Grave

Everyone who is anyone has heard of the magnificence of Queen Delia’s grave.It is said to possess treasures beyond comprehension, riches that can not even be measured. A friend of the characters know where the burial chamber is located. It… Continue Reading →

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