I was sort of lost when it came to ideas about what to write on this here blog, when @francesblaxell on twitter gave me this mission:

[…] write about pretty gaming stuff. Dices, pencils, notebooks. Show us your favorite goodies. 🙂

Unfortunately my level of “cute” is not that high on the gaming table. But I do however have a few items that I could not reasonably be asked to live without as a GM or as an author of adventures.


I know. Total cliché, right? But the Moleskine small notebook is perfect for writing and drawing. I’ve used both lined and squared, but I prefer the squared ones. Good for maps.



I’ve filled out about five of these notebooks with 20K adventures and background history for Götterdämmerung. It’s a good notebook to write in when on the subway. Awesome.


Lately I’ve found a new notebook that actually seems to top the Moleskine, and that’s the Leuchtturm. Good stuff. Dotted lines which is awesome, since they disappear when writing on it.

Pilot G1 Grip and Muji gel roller

I can’t write with any other pens, save steel nibs and ink. Steel nibs and ink has the drawback of requiring fairly static underlays though.


The Pilot pen is incredibly comfortable to write with, and it’s the only pen with the right size, apart from the Muji 0.038 gel roller and the 0.5 gel roller. The 0.5 is a bit to thick, and the 0.038 is a bit to thin, which is why I only use the Mujis in emergencies.


I also use correction tape to cross out any mistakes. It’s good shit, the tape kind. Not the liquid kind, it tends to get all lumpy and uneven.

And this, this is my full pen case kit. It’s got a metal ruler, an extra gel cartridge for my Pilot pen, a pencil, an eraser and liquid correction fluid. Couldn’t find a tape small enough for the pen case.


I also have a set of color pencils, also from Muji. These I use when doing maps and other illustrations. It’s a really small case, and the pencils are also very small. This is the closest to “cute” and “unicorns” I get.


Dice and markers!

As a role-player for some 20+ years I have a huge bag of dice. A HUGE bag. It’s a big bag. My favorite dice are actually the grey and the black ones, but I don’t have any lucky dice per se.


I got a small purple set for my Button Men game that I keep in my other pen case where I have all my knives (don’t ask), which I usually drag around with me. You never know when you’ll need to roll or make some rules.


The markers are poker chips that I got when I bought the deluxe edition of Agents of S.W.I.N.G. Perfect for keeping track of stuff.