
ditt ordnade kaos på nätet



The Wonders of Rialsa

Rialsa is a kingdom on the coast, blessed with artificers and mechanical engineers who can build the most wondrous things. Powered by imagination and magic, the people of Rialsa are used to seeing the oddest of creations wandering down the… Continue Reading →

Bartholomew House

Image is from Wikimedia Commons This location can be used in for instance an OSR adventure or as a quirky addition to a D&D campaign. Bartholomew House can be scary or otherworldly. It is up to you how you use… Continue Reading →

The Pilgrimage – Dragon Age RPG

This is the third translated adventure in the 20.000 characters project. It’s an adventure for the Dragon Age RPG by Green Ronin, based on a story seed in the book Blood in Ferelden.

Mass Effect: Descent – BRP

This is the second translated adventure in the 20.000 characters project. It’s based on the Mass Effect series from BioWare. I’ve always sort of mourned the fact that there isn’t a table top RPG for the Mass Effect universe, especially… Continue Reading →

Adrenochrome – Aberrant

A while back, I asked my readers which adventures they’d like to see translated. One of those adventures was Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome was the first adventure I wrote in a project that has since been named the 20.000 character project.

Den fruktansvärda kärleken till Benjamin White – Adventure

Den fruktansvärda kärleken till Benjamin White är det andra äventyret i serien 20.000 tecken. Äventyret är till D20-versionen av Adventure.

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