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Moral Failings and Monsters

I’ve already spoken quite a bit about this aspect of games and the underlying implications of being unclean and inviting the monster into yourself in the post about Banshees and Broodmothers earlier. I want to return to Western ideas of… Continue Reading →

Problematic Enemies – The Banshee

This post represents my opinion only, and not that of my employer. Kristeva’s theory of abjection provides us with an important theoretical framework for analysing (…) the representation of the monstrous-feminine, in relation to woman’s reproductive and mothering functions. However,… Continue Reading →


Abject 1. (of something bad) experienced or present to the maximum degree. In Mass Effect 3: Omega, there’s an enemy that tries very hard to live up to the previous success of the Banshee, but the Adjutant doesn’t quite make… Continue Reading →

Mass Effect 3 – Adjutant vs. Banshee

Jag medger redan i den inledande meningen att det varit en obarmhärtigt ojämn kamp.

Mass Effect 3 – Banshee

VARNING: Den här bloggposten kan innehålla spoilers för dig som precis börjat spela Mass Effect 3. Läs på egen risk.

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