One of my favourite reactions from Kaidan arrive in Mass Effect 3. It appears pretty early on and I think it depends on Shepard having been in a relationship with Kaidan previously. I totally do, almost every playthrough (except one… Continue Reading →
… in your face! Take that Cerberus goon! Alright, so I probably do need to write that post about dehumanising enemies and all that, but until then, and until my love for sniper rifles and scopes die down, this is… Continue Reading →
Hear me out. I know you have no real reason to trust me. I am after all a complete Mass Effect fanatic. I have played the original at least 15 times, all the way through, probably more. And this is… Continue Reading →
If you’ve played Mass Effect 2, you probably know there’s a lot of humor hidden in the narrative. One very neat little moment occurs when Shepard and gang runs into Niftu Cal, a volus that’s obviously been drugged with red… Continue Reading →
This post represents my opinion only, and not that of my employer. Kristeva’s theory of abjection provides us with an important theoretical framework for analysing (…) the representation of the monstrous-feminine, in relation to woman’s reproductive and mothering functions. However,… Continue Reading →
So I’m replaying Mass Effect 3. I do that whenever I’m stressed out and when I feel particularly vulnerable. There’s nothing more comforting than revisiting the Normandy. I had forgotten about this moment, but it’s always hilarious to me. Joker… Continue Reading →
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