In my 22 years as a game developer, I haven’t managed to make much headway in the industry at large. I’m still barely beyond senior, I’ve seen countless very competent and skilled women leave the industry, I’ve barely met a… Continue Reading →
I’m reading three books concurrently. Ian Bogost’s “Persuasive Games”, which is admittedly getting on in years but should still have valid arguments. I have to admit that I find it very academic, so it’s part of my “kick my brain… Continue Reading →
For anyone following this blog, you’ll know that I analyze games, and primarily I analyze games that I really enjoy playing. Mass Effect is one of those games. I’ll use Mass Effect as an example, but the truth is that… Continue Reading →
I’m going to be doing a series of little clips and cinematics, gameplay and reactions to show off certain aspects of games that I like. Why? Because I have a tendency to only speak of the Bad Stuff In Game… Continue Reading →
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