Here’s a thing. I’m not particularly passionate about games. I’m not a ninja or a rockstar or even a unicorn. I don’t live for games. I’m never going to be a superstar. I’m a solid, dependable (I hope) designer with… Continue Reading →
I have to admit that I no longer expect anything from gaming culture. When I started out as a developer and started poking at the issues we had – and in many cases still have – I somehow expected that… Continue Reading →
I’m sure you’ve heard it at some point. That feminists are having a negative impact on the creativity of game developers. That whenever a game is seen as “politically correct” someone is there to point out that this isn’t the… Continue Reading →
Let’s talk about documentation for a moment. A lot of you will go “we don’t need no stinking documentation!” because documenting things is boring and not very exciting when it comes to the design process. Let me gently correct you… Continue Reading →
Because I’ve been invited to speak at Sweden Game Conference in October, I have also been trying to figure out a topic to talk about. I ended up taking on the topic of my work process. I’m hoping it will… Continue Reading →
So, as you may have seen, I did talk a bit about the terms hardcore and casual and how meaningless I find they are in the context of gaming culture and game development. I also spoke a bit about what… Continue Reading →
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