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I Am Feminist, Hear Me Snark!

Okay, so I have a very snarky hypothesis I want to share with the world. This is my hypothesis. Men already think they know everything, even if they don’t which is why we even have a word for it –… Continue Reading →


One of the problems I have with the outliers of game development and gaming culture is the feeling of entitlement and ownership that some people, primarily men, give voice to. I’m not sure if you’ve ever had the conversation around… Continue Reading →

How Can You Not React?

Most of the people I know in the games industry are men. Most of the contacts I have are men. Not that strange. The industry is still hovering at that 80/ 20 division of men and women, where the 20%… Continue Reading →

Defensive conditioning

So here’s a thing. Being constantly questioned and disbelieved has an effect. Or it has had an effect on me, at least. I get defensive when I am questioned. Sometimes it’s not even really questioning. It can be people in… Continue Reading →

About Allyship

When I started in the games industry I was naïve. I thought it was a meritocracy, that we all had a chance at success. We didn’t. As the years passed, I saw more and more (and younger) men pass me… Continue Reading →

A Civil Discourse

Representation of the world, like the world itself, is the work of men; they describe it from their own point of view, which they confuse with the absolute truth. – Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men,… Continue Reading →

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