We’re celebrating Pride this month, and in the interest of pulling some weight and explaining how the work with inclusion and diversity affects marginalized people and how privileged people sometimes add to that burden, I want to talk about a… Continue Reading →
First off, I had a really hard time naming this blog post. What the heck does one name something that is so amorphous as the tone of voice in a game wobbling all over the place? Secondly, a lot of… Continue Reading →
What happens if you discover that the “even playing field” you thought you were playing on was tilted heavily in your favour? Would you feel proud of your accomplishments, still, or would you maybe deny your privilege? Would you feel… Continue Reading →
When Chadwick Bozeman passed, it only took looking at social media to realize that his passing had an enormous impact. His life had an even bigger impact. I can not even begin to understand the feeling, seeing the Black Panther… Continue Reading →
This post is a bit of an interlude where I talk about the difficulties marginalised groups have in getting hired, it’s also about being a victim, but refusing to be victimised. And it’s a “glorious” CV because I just know… Continue Reading →
CW: Harassment, sexism, sexual harassment In 2000 I wrote my thesis at a mobile games company. It was titled User Interfaces for Role-playing on a Mobile Platform. I still have it somewhere. It’s 150 pages long and is probably quite… Continue Reading →
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