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Game Design Diary

Game Design Diary – Reviews and Articles

I’m lagging behind on my blogging, as always, but I have kept up with almost every other aspect of my habit list. The things I do want to do are the things that are the hardest, such as keeping up… Continue Reading →

Game Design Diary – Chains of Command

I need to take a break over the weekend because I have articles and reviews to write, so less of my own stuff, more stuff for other people. If I have the time, I intend to plan out the data… Continue Reading →

Game Design Diary – Chains of Command

It’s been a year since my mom’s partner and my bonus dad passed away, a year and roughly two months since my uncle on my mother’s side passed. A year and a month since my best friend passed. All of… Continue Reading →

Game Design Diary – Chains of Command

So today I spent a few hours leading about arrays and data maps, all in service of creating an inventory. There’s an inventory of sorts in both Chains of Command and Murder Mysteries. I also found an appalling amount of… Continue Reading →

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