Note: I will be using the term “woman” a lot in this post, in part because articles and research tend to use a gender binary. I do however recognise that the biases women face are biases all marginalised groups face… Continue Reading →
CW: harassment, gaslighting, suicidal thoughts By necessity and signed paperwork, I’m keeping it vague. It’s also in the past. I’m posting it because I have this idea that we need to show that negative behaviour doesn’t have to be sexual…. Continue Reading →
This post is a bit of an interlude where I talk about the difficulties marginalised groups have in getting hired, it’s also about being a victim, but refusing to be victimised. And it’s a “glorious” CV because I just know… Continue Reading →
CW: Harassment, exclusion. This is a difficult set of posts for me to write, because they admit to my own complicity in a culture I desperately want to change. To understand gaming, the games industry and the gaming culture it’s… Continue Reading →
The title for this post was something Lt. General Dave Morrison of the Australian army said in a speech to the Australian troops after allegations of sexual misconduct among the Australian troops. It’s oddly fitting for what I am about… Continue Reading →
I think the thing that was most outrageous to me during GamerGate – in some ways regardless of what people actually thought about the GamerGate “movement” was the unwillingness or inability to even try to find out the facts. The… Continue Reading →
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