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Reading Old Game Design Books…

… and getting pissed off. Or perhaps not so much pissed off as concerned about what those books taught new (and old) game designers only 5 – 10 years ago. Every book except a very recently published one is pretty… Continue Reading →

Do Not Forget

It has been a while since GamerGate. In the industry, time has passed. There are companies and developers who no longer were part of that painful and horrific time. They reclaimed Pepe the Frog and have no idea what seeing… Continue Reading →

A Note on Gamers

So, as you may have seen, I did talk a bit about the terms hardcore and casual and how meaningless I find they are in the context of gaming culture and game development. I also spoke a bit about what… Continue Reading →

The Power of Gatekeeping

If you are in any way part of gaming culture, you’ll know that gatekeeping is part of that culture. To my mind, and as part of a completely unproven hypothesis on my end, gatekeeping is about power. The power to… Continue Reading →

We Need to Talk

More specifically, we need to speak up about the circumstances and conditions that are fairly standard in game development. Just recently, a woman was fired from Bungie because she didn’t use the right title in her social media accounts. She… Continue Reading →

A Civil Discourse

Representation of the world, like the world itself, is the work of men; they describe it from their own point of view, which they confuse with the absolute truth. – Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men,… Continue Reading →

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