
ditt ordnade kaos på nätet



Keep them human

In connection to Laurie Penny’s piece about the conservative convention and Milo Yiannopolous’ banishment from Twitter, the piece Penny wrote faced some criticism, not in the least from Yiannopolous’ victims.

For your consideration

I wish I knew what title to give this post. I wish I had a clear idea of what to write, what to say. But I don’t. I suppose I could make it a commentary on Notch’s twitter fumble a… Continue Reading →

Den dolda sexismen

Jag måste inleda den här texten med att jag har tur 1. Jag har jobbat med spel i sexton år, jag har många goda minnen ifrån spel jag har gjort,

Why are you so angry?

I was tipped off to this series of videos about GamerGate by Staffan Björk, and I think it has some merit.

And the hate goes on…

I just watched a segment of Last Week Tonight*, where John Oliver brings up the harassment towards women on the internet. Brianna Wu and Anita Sarkeesian make a guest appearance

Not Your Shield

If GamerGate had happened around 2004 – 05, I would probably be more sympathetic towards the movement.¹ It didn’t.

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