In connection to Laurie Penny’s piece about the conservative convention and Milo Yiannopolous’ banishment from Twitter, the piece Penny wrote faced some criticism, not in the least from Yiannopolous’ victims.
I wish I knew what title to give this post. I wish I had a clear idea of what to write, what to say. But I don’t. I suppose I could make it a commentary on Notch’s twitter fumble a… Continue Reading →
Jag måste inleda den här texten med att jag har tur 1. Jag har jobbat med spel i sexton år, jag har många goda minnen ifrån spel jag har gjort,
I was tipped off to this series of videos about GamerGate by Staffan Björk, and I think it has some merit.
I just watched a segment of Last Week Tonight*, where John Oliver brings up the harassment towards women on the internet. Brianna Wu and Anita Sarkeesian make a guest appearance
If GamerGate had happened around 2004 – 05, I would probably be more sympathetic towards the movement.¹ It didn’t.
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