
ditt ordnade kaos på nätet



I really don’t like Kratos

I’ve reached the lake in Midgard in God of War now, and I’m investigating the nooks and crannies of the lake while trying to keep my temper around Kratos. It is proving harder than I thought it would. Atreus is… Continue Reading →

My Opinion is Unimportant

I’ve started a playthrough of God of War from 2018. It’s the one where Kratos is very angry at birches and hides his grief – one assumes – by gruffly addressing his son as “boy” and avoiding any outward expression… Continue Reading →

One of Those Moments – Chopping wood with Kratos

Okay, I admit the reason I put this in this series is because I had so much fun being snarky at Kratos. Kratos in God of War 4 is most likely the worst dad ever™ (okay, probably not, because there… Continue Reading →

God of War meets God of Love (NSFW)

Om det nu var någon som hade några som helst tvivel om att Kratos är en riktig hejdundrande karlakarl, så kan vi lägga de tvivlen till ro, tror jag bestämt.

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