It has been a while since GamerGate. In the industry, time has passed. There are companies and developers who no longer were part of that painful and horrific time. They reclaimed Pepe the Frog and have no idea what seeing… Continue Reading →
This post is more about putting thoughts on paper than a finished hypothesis. It has to do with the (potential) conflict between identification with the avatar and the limited selection of said avatars, primarily because most of them are written… Continue Reading →
When I started in the games industry I was naïve. I thought it was a meritocracy, that we all had a chance at success. We didn’t. As the years passed, I saw more and more (and younger) men pass me… Continue Reading →
Tryck inte upp dina åsikter i mitt ansikte. Det var en kommentar som förekom i en tråd som nu är borttagen i gruppen bräd- & rollspel på fejan. Jag misstänker att det beror på att en hel hög svarade med… Continue Reading →
I’m sure that some of you, maybe even most of you, have seen the continued faux pas from notable (and unfortunately Swedish) gaming personalities such as Markus Persson and Felix Kjellgren, a.k.a. Notch and PewDiePie lately. Notch more or less… Continue Reading →
The Politics and Misconceptions of Gender One of the problems with Desborough’s text is that it presupposes through implications. At the start of the chapter on gender, Desborough states that wanting to make games more inclusive when it comes to… Continue Reading →
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