After a few popular tweets (15 likes!) about UX design in games, I figured I’d write a few posts on the topic. Out of necessity I’ll have to keep it generic, and the games I use as examples should not… Continue Reading →
Bara för att. Mitt “CV”, så att säga. Mad Max Utvecklare: Avalanche Studios Förläggare: Warner Brothers Entertainment Plattformar: PC, PlayStation 4, XBoxOne Släpptes: 1a September 2015 (NA), 2a September 2015 (AUS), 3e September 2015 (NZ), 4e September 2015 (EU) Roller:… Continue Reading →
I was working with balancing for the game Mad Max in particular with the challenges that the game uses as a levelling up mechanic for the player character. While I was doing it, I was also playing Dragon Age Inquisition… Continue Reading →
I’m guessing I’m not the only one who is deeply disappointed by the Furiosa backstory comic that promptly undoes everything the movie created.
I really should have posted this earlier, but sometimes things get in the way, as I’m sure you all know.
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