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role-playing game

The Wonders of Rialsa

Rialsa is a kingdom on the coast, blessed with artificers and mechanical engineers who can build the most wondrous things. Powered by imagination and magic, the people of Rialsa are used to seeing the oddest of creations wandering down the… Continue Reading →

Hallowed Hearts

Hallowed Hearts is a brooch created by an artificer named Amelia Penn. Amelia created the brooch for her then lover, Giorgio Santander. When Santander left her, she took the brooch back, and the previously next to unkillable rogue took a… Continue Reading →

Tabitha’s Owl of Perception

Tabitha’s Owl of Perception is a mechanical owl, created by a very distracted and somewhat clumsy magician. The owl is made from brass, bronze and copper and the outer feathers of the own are stained with oxidation to the point… Continue Reading →

The Lady of the Lake – D&D 5th Ed Encounter

The characters arrive in a small village in the mountains. The village is for some reason full of warriors of different kinds. Everything from barbarians to paladins are camping in or nearby the village. When arriving, the characters are treated… Continue Reading →

D&D 5ed Trap – The Magical Beans of Hilda van Hoffman

Magical item. Sort of. These unassuming beans can be tossed on to any surface (including water, oil, walls and so on) to form a trap for any unsuspecting creature. Hilda van Hoffman was a mage and botanist with a huge… Continue Reading →

The Pilgrimage – Dragon Age RPG

This is the third translated adventure in the 20.000 characters project. It’s an adventure for the Dragon Age RPG by Green Ronin, based on a story seed in the book Blood in Ferelden.

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