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role-playing games

Defiant goblins and hobgoblin porn

On rare occasions, most commonly after having read about the latest sexual harassment story or having heard about another abusive man (they’re mostly men) in table-top role-playing spaces, I ask myself why I stick around in a culture that so… Continue Reading →

The Revolution of Vampire: The Masquerade

Vampire: The Masquerade was released in the middle of the most goth period of all time, the early 90’s, meaning that monsters were most definitely in vogue and that vampires in particular were interesting. We had left the “vampire as… Continue Reading →

Mystery Boxes

Because I am a fan of beautiful handouts in table top RPGs, I’ve ordered two boxes from the Mysterious Package Company, and although they can be considered both frivolous and expemsove. I do love them. In part because they are… Continue Reading →

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