
ditt ordnade kaos på nätet



Games as a Culture Carrier

I had reason to return to Gary Alan Fines book “Shared Fantasy” about the social aspects of role-playing games recently. I didn’t get very far until the first reference of rape was made. Frequently male nonplayer characters who have not… Continue Reading →

Döden var bara början

Jag var Goth när jag gick i gymnasiet. Inte uppenbart goth, jag klädde mig inte i svart och jag använde inte orimligt mycket eyeliner eller mascara, men min själ var svart som en skogstjärn. Tyckte jag i alla fall. Jag… Continue Reading →

Mardrömsmosaiken – Ett konventsäventyr till Kutulu

I dagarna gick Lund 1922 av stapeln och på fredagen bröt jag en… lång period av att inte ha skrivit till konvent med att skriva till konvent. Den här gången var det Kutulu av Mikael Bergström som fick äran att… Continue Reading →

TTRPGs and Usability

A table-top role-playing game is probably one of the least usable gaming artifacts that I know of, with the possible exception of that thing PlayStation did with movement, or maybe the Kinect for non-English speakers who were women with an… Continue Reading →

The Unplayability of (some) TTRPGs

Some background before I dive into this specific opinion. I have reviewed games and more specifically TTRPGs since 2005 in the Swedish gaming magazine Fenix. To date I have written around 600 reviews, and more than half of those are… Continue Reading →

RPGs, TTRPGs, What’s in a Name?

There’s one development that I kind of resent, and that’s the fact that what we used to call RPGs have now morphed into TTRPGs. I understand that this is a development that comes from the fact that the digital version… Continue Reading →

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