I påskas var jag på konvent för första gången sedan jag vet inte när. Det var underhållande att återvända, men också väldigt ögonöppnande. En bekant till mig kom förbi och nämnde ”demokratiseringsprocessen” runt rollspel. Det vi diskuterade var att tack… Continue Reading →
CW: Harassment, sexism, sexual harassment In 2000 I wrote my thesis at a mobile games company. It was titled User Interfaces for Role-playing on a Mobile Platform. I still have it somewhere. It’s 150 pages long and is probably quite… Continue Reading →
CW: Harassment, exclusion. This is a difficult set of posts for me to write, because they admit to my own complicity in a culture I desperately want to change. To understand gaming, the games industry and the gaming culture it’s… Continue Reading →
The title for this post was something Lt. General Dave Morrison of the Australian army said in a speech to the Australian troops after allegations of sexual misconduct among the Australian troops. It’s oddly fitting for what I am about… Continue Reading →
When I told colleagues that I was going to do some writing about problematic enemies in games, one of the enemies that came up was the Desire Demon in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II. While I don’t disagree… Continue Reading →
This is one of those blog posts where I don’t have a scientific study to support my hypothesis, so please take this post with a grain of salt. It’s an opinion and because of that, it’s not scientifically proven. Nor… Continue Reading →
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