CW: harassment, gaslighting, suicidal thoughts By necessity and signed paperwork, I’m keeping it vague. It’s also in the past. I’m posting it because I have this idea that we need to show that negative behaviour doesn’t have to be sexual…. Continue Reading →
This post is a bit of an interlude where I talk about the difficulties marginalised groups have in getting hired, it’s also about being a victim, but refusing to be victimised. And it’s a “glorious” CV because I just know… Continue Reading →
Right now, a reckoning is shaking the games industry and culture. Predators are being called out, and I can only think of Flemeth when she pours out her pain to Morrigan and the Inquisitor. She was betrayed as I was… Continue Reading →
During my 30+ years as a gamer, I always knew I stood out as “odd” and perhaps “other”. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I didn’t realise how odd and other I was until I visited a games store somewhere in… Continue Reading →
This is a new decade (well, technically, it’s not really a new decade until 2021, but who’s counting) and there are a bunch of retrospectives out there. This is… maybe not so much a retrospective as a reflection. If existing… Continue Reading →
Tryck inte upp dina åsikter i mitt ansikte. Det var en kommentar som förekom i en tråd som nu är borttagen i gruppen bräd- & rollspel på fejan. Jag misstänker att det beror på att en hel hög svarade med… Continue Reading →
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