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We (Still) Need Separatist Spaces

Have you ever felt that you can go several days at work without really being able to relax? Without feeling entirely safe in the space you spend at least 8 hours a day? Because I have, on and off for… Continue Reading →

Why do we have to justify ourselves?

I’m doing a talk in a few days about diversity and equality in the industry. The request is to provide tips and tricks about how to survive as a woman in a male dominated environment. Honestly, I don’t a clue…. Continue Reading →

Artifacts of Games

I’m playing The Witcher 3 – reluctantly – for at least 30 minutes every day. It is part of my “game literacy” project that I’m putting myself through in order to increase my library of played games. I play a… Continue Reading →


One of the problems I have with the outliers of game development and gaming culture is the feeling of entitlement and ownership that some people, primarily men, give voice to. I’m not sure if you’ve ever had the conversation around… Continue Reading →

How Can You Not React?

Most of the people I know in the games industry are men. Most of the contacts I have are men. Not that strange. The industry is still hovering at that 80/ 20 division of men and women, where the 20%… Continue Reading →

Hold on to people

A colleague and me went to lunch the other day and spoke about the attitude people have towards their jobs, but also about the attitude employers have against their employees. When I grew up it was much more common with… Continue Reading →

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