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June 2022

Why are you a game dev?

I had an interesting conversation today at lunch with a couple of colleagues, and we spoke about a few things like women in game development and what could be done to change our current situation, such as mentorship programs, promotion… Continue Reading →

Response and Responsibility

It is a truth universally acknowledged that taking responsibility for one’s actions is something one should do, but when it comes down to it, it rarely happens. This is because it is really difficult to be a good person. And… Continue Reading →


I’ve been thinking a lot about grief and death lately. The aspect of sorrow and how it can be entirely paralysing, but also an agent of change and action. I have been at a standstill, in a holding pattern, for… Continue Reading →

A Note on Persuasive Games by Ian Bogost

A Feminist Reading of Game Design Books I have a bunch of books in my library that deal primarily with game development or game design in some form. An overwhelming amount of them are written by men. Most of them… Continue Reading →

Habbo Islands…

… because I have a migraine and can barely see the screen, I’ll post a trailer to a game that I was part of making. I was a pretty big part of making it, as I was the only designer… Continue Reading →

A Civil Discourse

Representation of the world, like the world itself, is the work of men; they describe it from their own point of view, which they confuse with the absolute truth. – Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men,… Continue Reading →

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