After a few popular tweets (15 likes!) about UX design in games, I figured I’d write a few posts on the topic. Out of necessity I’ll have to keep it generic, and the games I use as examples should not… Continue Reading →
Today was one of those moments that don’t happen all too often in game dev. Probably because a game takes about 3 – 5 years to make in triple-A and also because for me, this is the first game I’m… Continue Reading →
Jag håller på att skriva designdokument-ish på min fritid. Jag är inte klok. Här är i alla fall en av de grejerna jag håller på med nu, ett projekt som förhoppningsvis leder till en prototyp och kanske lite iterationer.
Working with UIs, there is one thing that will sooner or later rear its ugly head and that is form before function, which basically means “Hey! Look at this pretty but fundamentally useless or really difficult to use UI!” A… Continue Reading →
One of my fav things to do when creating UX design for games are mockups. Mockups are both fun and communicative, and they’re the precursor to actually implementing things in the game.
I played one to two hours of The Division a while back (around the time it was released) and these are my first impressions.
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