This is a translation and an addition to a Facebook post I wrote a while back. I liked it, so I’m posting it here. It might not come as a surprise that I’ve been involved in the table-top role-playing culture… Continue Reading →
Ethnicity in RPGs This is the second part in my series dedicated to reading and rebutting the booklet Diversity Dungeons and in this blog post, I’ll be looking at ethnicity. This is a somewhat skewed and queer reading of the… Continue Reading →
And here’s why. I’m sure by now you know about the absolute mess that is GamerGate. Preceded by those wobbly weeks in August when Zoe Quinn was accused of sleeping with people to get better reviews by an angry ex-boyfriend… Continue Reading →
Som en uppföljning på Posten Som Pajade Bloggen tänkte jag ta upp ytterligare ett fenomen som gjorde sig påmint i kommentarerna på ovanstående post, men även gjorde sig påmint i forumet
I have been spending a lot of time recently thinking about the games industry, gaming culture and the strong divides that exist within the culture and the industry. Less so within the industry than the culture.
I’ve moved to Edmonton. In a way this was good for me. Nobody knows who I am, my reputation hasn’t reached outside of Sweden. It’s nice to be nobody again. The reason I write this, is because the gaming culture… Continue Reading →
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