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Mass Effect

Mass Effect: Descent – BRP

This is the second translated adventure in the 20.000 characters project. It’s based on the Mass Effect series from BioWare. I’ve always sort of mourned the fact that there isn’t a table top RPG for the Mass Effect universe, especially… Continue Reading →

Dagens Diss – Mass Effect

Det är för regelbundna läsare av den här bloggen med största säkerhet ingen hemlighet att Mass Effect ännu så länge håller förstaplatsen i mitt hjärta när det gäller favoritspel. Det är säkert heller ingen överraskning att jag är en analyserande… Continue Reading →

Balancing on the Edge

I was working with balancing for the game Mad Max in particular with the challenges that the game uses as a levelling up mechanic for the player character. While I was doing it, I was also playing Dragon Age Inquisition… Continue Reading →

The experience of choice

A few days ago, I had a really interesting discussion with a bunch of people that I admire greatly. I will hopefully be able to tell you who they were at a later date, but I still wanted to expand… Continue Reading →

The Endless Derp of Character Generators

I’m not sure if I’m the only one ending up with a derpy faced character the first time

Polygonal love

There’s this thing that happen every time I try a new BioWare game. I fall in love.

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