Det är för regelbundna läsare av den här bloggen med största säkerhet ingen hemlighet att Mass Effect ännu så länge håller förstaplatsen i mitt hjärta när det gäller favoritspel. Det är säkert heller ingen överraskning att jag är en analyserande… Continue Reading →
I was working with balancing for the game Mad Max in particular with the challenges that the game uses as a levelling up mechanic for the player character. While I was doing it, I was also playing Dragon Age Inquisition… Continue Reading →
A few days ago, I had a really interesting discussion with a bunch of people that I admire greatly. I will hopefully be able to tell you who they were at a later date, but I still wanted to expand… Continue Reading →
I’m not sure if I’m the only one ending up with a derpy faced character the first time
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